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About Us

JS CAPITAL GROWTH PARTNERS SA is an investment, financing, advisory and portfolio management holding company, specializing in creating growth opportunities for companies across many industries.

General Management occupies a central and strategic position within the holding company. She is responsible for the overall vision, mission and values of the company. Representing family management, it ensures continuity between the traditions of inherited values, and the prosperous future that we have the responsibility to build. She supervises all divisions and ensures coordination between them to guarantee maximum cohesion and efficiency.

Let's give a concrete example of investment: our holding company could very well invest in an innovative startup developing artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, and/or in another specialized in research and development for the artificial heart, vaccines against cancer or diabetes. It would take a stake in the capital and provide additional funds necessary to continue innovation and research and development of new products, without disrupting the proper functioning of management and the powers in place.

At the same time, it could just as easily invest in a solar energy production company, whose technology is already well in place, by taking a majority stake to influence the company's sustainable development strategy. Our mission would then be to adopt inclusive and responsible governance, adapted to the realities of the company and which would continue to increase profitability and improve internal processes. It is by establishing virtuous circles that we contribute to improving the economy.


Investment and financing of high value-added projects play a crucial role in economic growth, well-being, public health and innovation. By combining diversified investment strategies with financial and strategic support, these projects can grow and prosper anywhere in the world, without hindrance or protectionism, generating significant returns for their investors. We have a common vision of a better world, in a realistic and rational way, with the means at our disposal.




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Our mission


The JS Capital Growth Partners holding company, specialized in the investment and financing of high value-added projects, plays a crucial role in economic growth and innovation. By combining diversified investment strategies and providing financial and strategic support, they enable ambitious projects to develop and prosper, generating significant returns for their investors.


Watch on a man's wrist

Investment advice

Our investment advisory service helps you identify growth opportunities and develop an effective investment strategy. We work with you to achieve your long-term goals.

Sectoral Directorate of Investments and Financing

As part of the launch of the JS CAPITAL holding company, we are investing and financing strategic projects in various sectors such as health, research and development, the recycling industry, small and medium-sized automotive industries, construction and public works , tourism, civil aviation, as well as the commodity sectors, storage, mills and food processing industries, agriculture, gold mining and their refining, and finally financial trade.

To do this, we evaluate investment opportunities, create and then manage financial portfolios. This allows us to develop strategies that maximize returns by focusing on promising or proven companies, while minimizing idiosyncratic risks by studying cross-sector correlations. At the same time, we are also responsible for finding sources of financing for the holding company's projects and negotiating the conditions of borrowing and fundraising.

Make a positive impact on the world

We take care to select responsible projects, which provide technological and innovative solutions to social and environmental issues to populations waiting for a better future.

Thus, our holding company intends to contribute to developing companies having an impact on their sector of activity.

The team

Mr Herman Jay Cohen , Member of the Advisory Board of JS Capital Growth Partners SA: plays a key role as a member of the advisory board of JS Capital Growth Partners SA. With his impressive experience in diplomacy and international relations, he brings valuable expertise in the management of strategic relations and business development in Africa. Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs** (1989-1993) during the administration of President George HW Bush. United States Ambassador to The Gambia (1977-1980) under President Jimmy Carter. Legion of Honor, Order of Leopold II of Belgium.

Mr. Christophe Giovannetti; President of UNF, Union Nations Federation and Secretary General of the Declaration of the Rights of Humanity. , Mr. Giovannetti is a renowned diplomat and humanist. It is dedicated to promoting the well-being of peoples, nations and equality of opportunity. Its tasks include:

Promote equal opportunities through various programs and initiatives.

Strengthen relationships between nations to support humanitarian causes.

Organize and participate in global conferences on human rights and sustainable development issues.

Mr Jawad Salmane; Founder, JS Capital Growth Partners SA; Jawad Salmane, with a wealth of experience in the world of politics, economics and strategic monitoring, heads JS Capital Growth Partners SA. It focuses on investments in various sectors and encourages technology transfer from Western partners to other nations. Responsibilities include: Developing the company's overall vision and strategy. Oversee investments in various sectors to ensure sustainable growth. Establish and maintain long-term economic and industrial relationships with international partners.


Ali al yami_edited_edited.jpg

Ass-ALI.Y Saudi Arabia

PRINCE FAHD_edited_edited.jpg

Ass-Sheikh. EL. F Saudi Arabia

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Founder Jawad SALMANE

Ambassador.Chr. Geo

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Ambassador. H.Cohen



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AmbassadorSheikh. Keita

USA Lawyer

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SAID TANGER_edited_edited.jpg

Ass- Said.A

KASIM TURQUE_edited.jpg

Pharma Industry Expert


Ass-ROX. H


Ass. FO


Middle East/Asia



LAURENT BEN_edited.jpg

Ass- Laurent.Ben


Ass- Prof. Rudy


Had. M
Expert Trader


Prof. J.C
HC Expert

DIOURI COSTA_edited.jpg

Mehdi. D
Lawyer & Invest


As part of the launch of our investment and financing holding company, we wish to support strategic projects in various sectors including health, research and development, the recycling industry and the automotive industry. For example, and more specifically, we intend to invest in the production of glass used in construction or for vehicles, in commodities, in strategic storage areas such as Wheat Silos or Tank Farms, and in food processing industries. Finally, we can also be interested in projects relating to agriculture, gold mining and refining, and the financial trading sector.

To effectively manage this family business covering such varied fields, we want to set up an appropriate organization chart, reflecting our vision and our values.

Our team brings together a wealth of strengths and skills that we wish to use to their full potential.




Mr. C. HSU

Mr. Alper KESIM



The Healthcare division focuses on investments in the medical and pharmaceutical field. It seeks to innovate and improve health services through strategic partnerships and investments in medical research and cutting-edge technologies.

Technologies and Development

Mrs. Véronique. L

Doctor in Research and R&D Program Director

This division is the heart of innovation within the holding company. It works on the design and development of new products and services, exploring emerging technologies and collaborating with research centers and universities to maintain a competitive advantage.





Specializing in the study of industrial companies, the Industry division intends to improve internal processes, and provide funds for the development of new products or subsidiaries by companies. Our solutions cover marketing issues, in particular to increase the sales and customers of the companies we support.

This division works on all companies whose sector of activity concerns agricultural and food issues. In collaboration with the innovation division, we try to find innovative solutions, which in particular create human connections which significantly improve the company's performance. To do this, we will rely on the research work of certain specialists, and will take into account the ethical factor.

Committed to environmental protection, this division specializes in particular in the recycling of materials. It develops innovative solutions to reduce waste, promote recycling and create more sustainable industrial processes. We also invest in green energies and companies offering sobriety solutions.

Department of Investment and Financing



Mr Hadi.M

Mr Rudy A

Mr Ben.Farid

Mr Mhid.M

This department plays a crucial role in the management of the financial resources of the holding company. She evaluates investment opportunities, manages financial portfolios and develops strategies to maximize returns while minimizing risks. She is also responsible for finding sources of financing for the holding company's projects and negotiating the conditions of borrowing and fundraising.

Legal department, risk management and statutory auditors

Mr Frederic ECOLIVET

Mr Mehdi.D



Mr kS

The legal and risk management department:

Essential for businesses, especially those engaged in high value-added projects. This service ensures legal compliance, minimizes financial, operational and legal risks, and protects the interests of the company. This service is therefore crucial to ensure the stability and sustainable growth of businesses.

Features and Responsibilities:

1. Legal Compliance (Regulations and Internal Policies)

2. Contract Management (Negotiation, Drafting and Review)

3. Dispute Management (Conflict Resolution and Representation)

4. Protection of Intellectual Property (Patents and Trademarks, Defense)

5. Risk Management (Identification, Assessment and Mitigation

6. Legal Advice (Consultation and Training

7. Risk Reduction (Loss Prevention and Reputation)

8. Operational Efficiency (Informed Decision and Optimized Procedures)

9. Cost Savings (Litigation and Compliance)

Strategic Partnership of JS Capital Growth Partners SA with Major Banks:

JS Capital Growth Partners SA is proud to announce and highlight its strategic partnerships with several leading financial institutions across the world. These collaborations aim to strengthen our ability to offer innovative financial solutions and create value for our Investments, clients and partners around the world.

HSBC, a global leader in banking and financial services, is helping us expand our international reach. This strategic partnership also allows us to monetize our diversified financial products and high-quality banking services and to access new and emerging markets, thus providing our group with global investment opportunities.

UBS Switzerland is recognized globally for its expertise in wealth management and investment banking services. Our partnership with UBS Switzerland allows us to benefit from their legal and financial assistance, as a platform for the origin of our resources to offer financial solutions, wealth management investment and financial advice tailored to our projects.

JP Morgan, with its long history and expertise in investment banking, is a key partner for us. Their support also allows us to monetize our diversified financial products and offer M&A advisory services, fundraising and other sophisticated financial services.

Barclays, one of the largest British banks, brings its expertise in banking and financial services. Through our collaboration, we can monetize our diversified financial products and high-quality banking services, meeting the varied needs of our projects.

Our collaboration with the World Bank is crucial for sustainable development projects and social impact financing initiatives. This partnership allows us to contribute to projects that have a positive impact on communities and the overall economy.

Bank of Africa, with its presence in several African countries, is essential to our growth strategy in Africa. Together, we provide banking and financial services that support the region's economic development.

Islamic banks play a vital role in Shariah-compliant financing. Our collaboration with Islamic banks enables us to offer financial products that are consistent with Islamic principles, such as interest-free financing and risk sharing, thus meeting the specific needs of our Muslim clients.

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The African Development Bank (AfDB) is a key player in economic and social development in Africa. Our partnership with the AfDB allows us to support large-scale projects, promoting economic growth, poverty reduction and infrastructure improvement on the African continent.


Banque Populaire du Maroc is a pillar of the Moroccan banking sector. By collaborating with them, we strengthen our ability to offer financing solutions and banking services tailored to SMEs and large businesses in Africa.


Attijariwafa Bank, one of the largest banks in Africa, is a strategic partner for our expansion on the African continent. This partnership allows us to offer diversified financial services and reach a broader customer base.

The Moroccan Bank for Commerce and Industry (BMCI) is a major player in Morocco, and our partnership with them is essential for our operations in North Africa. BMCI helps us provide financial services tailored to local needs while benefiting from their regional expertise.



JS Capital Growth Partners SA values these partnerships with renowned banks, as they strengthen our ability to offer world-class financial services. Together, we are committed to innovating, creating value and supporting our clients in achieving their financial goals. Through these collaborations, we remain at the forefront of the financial industry, offering tailored solutions and unrivaled expertise for our projects and partners across the world.






JS CAPITAL GROWTH PARTNERS SA helped us develop an effective investment strategy that allowed us to grow profitably. We recommend their services to any business looking for growth.



We are very satisfied with the services of JS CAPITAL GROWTH PARTNERS SA. Their proactive management of our portfolio has enabled constant growth of our business.

P. Millan


We have found in JS CAPITAL GROWTH PARTNERS SA a reliable partner for our investments. Their risk management service allowed us to minimize losses and maximize gains.
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